
Gift 90th anniversary company

Sanne contacted us to surprise her sister-in-law Lisenka by making a beautiful personal gift for the 90th anniversary of the family business P. Smit B.V. The metal and welding engineering company has been in the family for three generations and the desire is to include all three of them on the wooden portrait.

It was a bit of a search for suitable photos of grandfather and father, because unfortunately they both passed away a long time ago. In the end, we managed to scan a few paper photos of them and use these for the design. Of the current director Lisenka we received a very nice sharp digital photo. To emphasize the difference between the three generations, we opted for portraits in three different sizes and the use of three different colors for the portraits. Grandpa is stained in greywash, father in light greywash and Lisenka in whitewash. The back panel is stained in blackwash.

In addition to the portraits, we have also added the logo, the years and the company name to the portrait. These are also carried out in whitewash. The whole is 80 cm wide and 55 cm high.

We got this reaction after the party: “We gave the gift to Lisenka yesterday, everyone was in tears haha. They all loved it! Thank you so much for thinking with us, the service and the personal communication!”

cadeau 90 jarig jubileum bedrijf
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Also interested in a gift for your company? You can read more about it in our blog. And here you can read more about having a beautiful wooden portrait made.

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